Moby Dick (2011)
"Moby Dick" is a 2011 Action movie directed by Kim Won-jin and starring by Hwang Jung-min, Jin Goo. A mysterious explosion occurs at the Balam Bridge in Seoul on November 20th, 1994. In front of hot-blooded local news reporter Lee Bang-Woo, Yoon Hyeok appears. Yoon Hyeok is from the same hometown as Lee Bang-Woo, but they haven't seen each other in a long time. Yoon Hyeok hands over documents to Lee Bang-Woo and hints that the case of the Balam Bridge was fabricated.
Released : Jun 09, 2011
Runtime : 112 min.
Genre : Action
Stars : Hwang Jung-min, Jin Goo, Kim Min-hee, Kim Bo-yeon
Director : Kim Won-jin
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