Electric Blue 008 (1982)
"Electric Blue 008" is a 1982 Documentary movie directed by Adam Cole and starring by Annie Ample, Jewel Shepard. Annie Ample hosts this chapter in the long running video series from Kicker's Bar in Santa Monica, California, where women (including Michelle Bauer) try to ride a mechanical bull. Features nude centerfolds of female bodybuilder “Pillow” (Teresa Jean Bell) and "Bobby Beal" (aka Jewel Shepard), the EB Special Report “Topless at Twickers” with streaker Erica Roe, footage of Candy Samples at the 1984 Calgary Stampede, the world's first 3-D centerfold and more.
Released : Aug 01, 1982
Runtime : 60 min.
Genre : Documentary
Stars : Annie Ample, Jewel Shepard, Michelle Bauer, Pillow
Director : Adam Cole
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